Choosing a hearing aid Archives - TruHearing TruHearing works with health plans to offer low out of pocket costs on hearing aids. Ask a Hearing Consultant if your insurance qualifies: 844-319-3988 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 18:56:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Choosing a hearing aid Archives - TruHearing 32 32 Do I Need Two Hearing Aids? Why Yes is Often the Answer Fri, 24 Sep 2021 00:47:08 +0000 By Austin Singleton, AuD, CCC-A , FAAA As a practicing Doctor of audiology I am often asked the question “Do I really need two hearing aids?” This is a common question because investing in hearing aids can be a costly endeavor. Some individuals would reason that purchasing one hearing aid is the wise decision because […]

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By Austin Singleton, AuD, CCC-A , FAAA

As a practicing Doctor of audiology I am often asked the question “Do I really need two hearing aids?”

This is a common question because investing in hearing aids can be a costly endeavor. Some individuals would reason that purchasing one hearing aid is the wise decision because it would be half the cost. What those people don’t realize is that there are a lot of advantages to purchasing two hearing aids instead of just one. The purpose of this article is to answer this all too common question: “Does double the cost really equal double the benefits?”

When Should You Purchase Two Hearing Aids?

One of the obvious benefits to wearing two hearing aids is the overall loudness they provide to both ears. This increase in loudness is referred to as binaural summation. Having two hearing aids can provide up to 10 decibels of additional gain to the overall perceived enhancement of sound quality. In addition to providing this overall loudness, having two hearing aids can provide addition benefits that most people don’t realize and some of them are discussed here:

Helps in Background Noise

Our brain is designed to use the sound information coming in through both ears to fully understand our surroundings. By using the speech and the noise coming in through both ears and comparing them against each other, our brain can decipher what information is pertinent to understanding speech information and focus on that sound source, while at the same time ignoring the background noise or distant conversations that are competing for our attention. When we only use one hearing aid we are not taking advantage of our brains natural abilities to focus on speech while in difficult listening situations.

The research performed backs this up. In a study titled “Unilateral versus Bilateral Amplification Adults with Impaired Hearing” (Walden 2005). They used 28 patients with bilateral hearing loss and tested them with both scenarios (with one hearing aid/with two hearing aids) using the QuickSIN (Quick Speech-in-Noise test) and Dichotic Digits Test (DDT). Using the QuickSIN they randomly tested four conditions of unaided bilaterally (both ears), aided right ear, aided left ear, and aided bilaterally (hearing aids on both ears). They found that the “vast majority” of the patients performed better and got better scores using bilateral amplification on the speech recognition in background noise test.

Provides Better Localization

Localization is our ability to identify the direction a sound is coming from, or the ability to identify the location of a sound source. When we are trying to understand someone talking to us it is important to be able to identify where they are in the room, if we are unable to locate them our brain has a difficult time focusing on what they are saying to us. For example if you are in a restaurant with 4-5 other people around a table and your friend from the left side of you begins to talk to you, you may not notice that they are speaking to you, or if you do, you may not be able to focus on what they are saying until you can fully identify who is talking to you and where the voice is coming from and then turn to face them.

In the article titled “Horizontal localization and speech intelligibility with bilateral and unilateral hearing aid amplification” (Kobler 2002) they used 19 subjects with mild-to-moderate hearing loss to evaluate the differences between bilateral and unilateral amplification in speech intelligibility and horizontal localization. They tested the speech intelligibility by positioning a patient in the center of 8 loudspeakers and presenting a sentence speech signal out of one of the speakers while playing a background noise out of the other 7 speakers. Their findings indicate that there are major advantages to bilateral amplification in background noise and that two hearing aids definitely provide assistance in localizing a sound in a horizontal position.

Provides Better Clarity

With only one hearing aid an individual may have things louder on one side but it does not always bring back the clarity and understanding of speech that they were expecting. In an article titled

“Bilateral or unilateral amplification: Is there a difference? A brief tutorial” (Mencher 2006)

An aspect they addressed was speech intelligibility in both fitted scenarios and stated that past research has shown that there is a 5 percent increase in speech perception when using bilateral amplification versus unilateral. They reviewed research that obtained subjective measures when looking at things they could not measure, like in terms of sound quality. They found there was no comparison between the two scenarios, proving that bilateral amplification provided brightness, clarity, fullness, loudness, nearness, smoothness, fullness, spaciousness where unilateral amplification could not.

Reduces Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the official term for what most people call “ringing in the ears” The ringing in our ears can often be an effect from the trauma we encountered that caused our hearing loss. The loud noise exposure either brief or long term not only wears out the fine inner ear hair cells which causes hearing loss but can also cause a ringing sensation in our ears due to a lack of stimulation to the nerves that used to carry the sound information up to the brain.

In the same study mentioned above “Bilateral or unilateral amplification: Is there a difference? A brief tutorial” (Mencher 2006) They also looked at subjective measures of the suppression of tinnitus. They found that bilateral amplification has reduced or eliminated tinnitus, they did not find the same results when a patient was using just one hearing aid, they did find however that in the case of using a unilateral fitting it could subdue and relieve the tinnitus on that same side as is being amplified but could not suppress it all together if it was present in both ears.

Prevents Auditory Deprivation

A less known fact about hearing loss is, that when an individual has hearing loss and goes a few years without amplification to that ear it can begin to deteriorate, this is known as auditory deprivation. Auditory deprivation studies have shown that if an ear was left unaided it did not change in terms of threshold pure tones or speech recognition thresholds, but did lose the ability to discriminate speech later on. In a study titled “Onset of Auditory Deprivation.” (Hurley 1999) they examined 77 unilaterally fitted and 65 bilaterally fitted subjects. He reported that approximately 25% of the unilateral fittings demonstrated deprivation effect on the unaided side. He also stated that older patients are at greater risk for higher levels of deprivation.

When Is It a Good Idea Not To Purchase Two Hearing Aids?

Cognitive Delays

If you are an individual who is over the age of 80 that also has cognitive (mental capability) delays and signs of dementia. In the study titled “Unilateral versus Bilateral Amplification Adults with Impaired Hearing” (Walden 2005) Some individuals meeting these criteria were shown to perform better in background noise when they used one hearing aid. They found that a hearing aid on both ears was overstimulating in a noisy setting. They attributed it to the fact that somewhere in the central nervous pathway the two speech signals would actually cancel each other out

Only Have Hearing Loss On One Side

It is obvious to most, that if you have hearing loss on one side but not the other that you would only need one hearing aid, and for the most part this is true, however, there are some circumstances where and individual feels off balance with only one hearing aid and will sometimes purchase two hearing aids to gain a sense of equality between both ears.


When an individual has hearing loss on both sides that requires a hearing aid for both ears it will double the cost of the purchase. Some individuals can not afford two hearing aids whether they need two or not. In these situations it is important to understand that the investment of one hearing aid will benefit the user substantially when compared to no amplification. The hearing aid wearer will not be able to take advantage of the benefits that come from wearing two hearing aids, but no damage or residual effects will occur from using only one hearing aid.


I have had many patient’s struggle with the epic battle of cost vs. benefit. The only way to make the decision for those who are still on the fence about it, is to put both hearing aids on to see what the effects are for them. This can be done in a trial period to see if the benefits truly outweigh the cost. In an individuals place of residence, work, and social function, they will be able to decide for themselves if the benefits outweigh the cost for them. In my experience and according to all of the research, if an individual has hearing loss on both sides, the benefits of using two hearing aids will typically outweigh the cost and most find this out for themselves when they try it. It is recommended that everyone discuss their specific situation with an audiologist, as every individual and their circumstances differ.

Learn more how TruHearing can help with your hearing health.


Hurley, R. M. 1999. Onset of Auditory Deprivation. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, Vol 10, 529534.

Kobler S, Rosenhall U. 2002. Horizontal localization and speech intelligibility with bilateral and unilateral hearing and amplification. International Journal of Audiology. Vol. 41, pp,395-400.

Mencher G.T, Davis A. 2006. Bilateral or unilateral amplification: Is there a difference? A brief tutorial. International Journal of Audiology. Vol 45. pp, 3-11.

Walden T.C, Walden B.E. 2005. Unilateral versus Bilateral amplification for adults with impaired hearing. Journal of American Academy of Audiology. Vol. 16 #8.

The post Do I Need Two Hearing Aids? Why Yes is Often the Answer appeared first on TruHearing.

When Should I Upgrade my Hearing Aids? Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:31:55 +0000 As you move along the path to better hearing, you should consider upgrading your hearing aids on a regular basis. Not only is hearing aid technology constantly improving, but your hearing also changes over time. Upgrading your hearing aids at least every few years is one of the best ways to ensure you’re always using […]

The post When Should I Upgrade my Hearing Aids? appeared first on TruHearing.

As you move along the path to better hearing, you should consider upgrading your hearing aids on a regular basis. Not only is hearing aid technology constantly improving, but your hearing also changes over time. Upgrading your hearing aids at least every few years is one of the best ways to ensure you’re always using the best technology to address your hearing loss. When should you upgrade? Follow our decision tree to find out. See below.

The post When Should I Upgrade my Hearing Aids? appeared first on TruHearing.

I Think I Have Hearing Loss—Now What? Wed, 15 Sep 2021 11:54:19 +0000 For most people, hearing loss occurs slowly over a long period of time. The slow onset of hearing loss means that many people don’t even notice they have hearing loss until the people around them point it out. For others, hearing loss comes on suddenly—even overnight. If you think you may have hearing loss, here […]

The post I Think I Have Hearing Loss—Now What? appeared first on TruHearing.

For most people, hearing loss occurs slowly over a long period of time. The slow onset of hearing loss means that many people don’t even notice they have hearing loss until the people around them point it out. For others, hearing loss comes on suddenly—even overnight. If you think you may have hearing loss, here are steps to help you determine if your hearing loss is real and what you can do about it.

hearing loss - old man with younger woman

Step 1: Talk to Your Loved Ones

If you haven’t already discussed the matter with your family, now is a good time to start the conversation. Chances are, many of them have already noticed that you have difficulty hearing. Talking openly with your loved ones can provide a support system for you as you seek to address and correct your hearing loss.

Step 2: List Your Symptoms

Before seeing a doctor or hearing specialist, start by identifying your symptoms. The more you can tell your healthcare provider about the nature and circumstances of your hearing difficulty, the better they’ll be able to diagnose and provide solutions.

To get started, go through this list of questions and mark all the true statements.

hearing loss checklist

Click here to download and print this checklist

Step 3: Check with Your Health Insurance

Although you may be tempted to go directly to a healthcare provider to address your hearing loss, it’s a good idea to call your insurance plan first to see if they cover or provide discounts on hearing aids and exams. Because coverage for treating hearing loss is becoming more common, checking with your health plan before you schedule a hearing exam could save you time and money.

There are a handful of ways a health plan may help you cover the cost of treatment. Some will cover exams, but not hearing aids. Some will cover hearing aids, but not exams. Some may offer an allowance or a discount program. Here are the most common ways that health plans help you save money on hearing aids:

Hearing aid benefit

The health plan offers you a fixed copayment for hearing aids and/or exams that is lower than the full cost of the devices and services. For example, if your health plan gives you a $699 copay on a hearing aid, you will pay that exact amount for the hearing aid you choose—no matter the retail price.

Hearing aid allowance

An allowance is a fixed amount that the health plan will pay toward the cost of hearing aids. For example, if your health plan offers you a $2,000 allowance for hearing aids, they will cover the cost up to $2,000. Then you’re responsible for covering any cost over the $2,000 allowance.

Hearing aid discounts

Alternatively, many health plans that don’t offer coverage or an allowance may offer discounts for their members as a valued-added service through third-party programs. For example, TruHearing is a program that works closely with manufacturers and health plans to lower the cost of hearing aids so you can get the latest, brand-name hearing aids at up to 60% off the average retail price without sacrificing quality or services.

A special note about Medicare: Original Medicare doesn’t cover any of the cost of hearing aids, or provide an allowance, copay, or discount. However, because hearing aid coverage is a popular feature for Medicare members, many Medicare Advantage plans do offer some form of hearing aid coverage.

hearing loss - Female doctor examining male patients ear with otoscope in clinic

Step 4: Get a Hearing Exam

Once you’ve identified that you most likely have hearing loss and have talked to your insurance company about potential coverage, the next step is to get a full confirmation and diagnosis. It’s time to visit an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist for a full hearing exam. A hearing exam will determine the exact nature of your hearing loss and how it can best be addressed.

Your hearing loss will fall into one of three types, which will determine the method of treatment.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss is the result of a blockage or impediment that physically prevents sound from entering your ear and reaching the nerves of your inner ear that transmit sound signals to the brain. Conductive loss can be caused by:

  • Impacted ear wax
  • Ruptured ear drum
  • Infection or fluid in the ear
  • A foreign object
  • Physical deformation of the ear

Sometimes a conductive hearing loss can be corrected through a medical or surgical procedure. For example, impacted ear wax can be removed, a raptured ear drum can be fixed. However, not all conductive hearing loss can be corrected and may require the use of hearing aids to partially restore your hearing.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss is the result of a deterioration of the inner ear’s ability to correctly process sound. It can be caused by:

  • Aging
  • Disease
  • Medications that damage the auditory system
  • Injury or accident
  • Intense noise

This type of hearing loss is generally permanent but can be addressed with hearing aids.

Mixed Hearing Loss

As the name suggests, mixed hearing loss is any combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Some of the hearing loss may be addressed surgically, but mixed hearing loss will generally involve permanent hearing loss and treatment with hearing aids.

different kinds of hearing aids

Step 5: Choose Your Hearing Aids

If your hearing exam determines you need hearing aids, you’ll have a discussion with your provider about which hearing aids will best address your unique hearing loss. Depending on the type and severity of your hearing loss, you may consider a number of options.

Here are some factors that may determine the type and style of hearing aid you’ll need:

  • The severity of your hearing loss
  • The type of your hearing loss
  • Your age and lifestyle
  • Physical factors, like dexterity
  • Your technology preferences; for example, do you want your hearing aids to connect to your smartphone?

If You’re Not Ready for Hearing Aids

Not everyone who has hearing loss is ready to get hearing aids. There are number of factors to consider, and it’s a big decision. If you are not ready for hearing aids right now, there are a number of strategies and tips that you can start to use in your life to improve your communication until you’re ready.

Tips for You:

  • Avoid noisy environments when you are trying to have a conversation, and don’t be afraid to ask your conversation partner to move to a location where you can hear them better.
  • Look for visual cues, like gestures or facial expressions, to glean context and fill in missing bits of conversation.
  • Admit when you don’t understand something, and ask the speaker to rephrase their statement.
  • Ask people to write down important information.
  • Keep your sense of humor and be patient with yourself and others.
  • Express appreciation with others who are trying to accommodate you.

Tips for your family, friends, and coworkers:

  • Get my attention before speaking and face me directly when you speak.
  • If I don’t understand something the first time you say it, rephrase your statement instead of talking louder. Raising your voice can distort your speech and make it harder to understand you.
  • Please have patience, slow down, and speak clearly.
  • Indicate when you are changing subjects.
  • Let’s avoid noisy situations.

Whether you’re ready to address your hearing loss, or you need more time, keep in mind that you are not alone. There are over 48 million Americans with hearing loss—and nearly 1/3 of people over 60 have hearing loss.

However, if you’re putting off treatment, don’t wait too long. Hearing aids provide a number of positive health and social benefits that you can take advantage of right now—even if your hearing loss is not severe. Alternatively, putting off treatment can have unintended negative consequences on your hearing that will make it harder for you to hear down the road, even with the help of hearing aids.

When in doubt about the right time and manner to address your hearing loss, ask a provider for help and guidance. They’ll help you make the right decisions to address hearing loss in a way that’s right for you.

Learn more on how TruHearing can help with your hearing health journey.

The post I Think I Have Hearing Loss—Now What? appeared first on TruHearing.
